Non Monitored Medical Alert Systems with Fall Detection

Non Monitored Medical Alert Systems with Fall Detection

As the population continues to age and live longer, there’s an increasing need for monitoring services that can detect a fall or potential fall. With this in mind, you may be wondering if you should invest in a non-monitored medical alert system with fall detection. While these types of systems aren’t monitored 24/7 as monitored systems are, they have many benefits including sending help your way as soon as you press the button and detecting falls so that help can get to you faster. Here’s what you need to know about non-monitored medical alert systems with fall detection.

What Is A Non Monitored Medical Alert System With Fall Detection?

A non-monitored medical alert system with fall detection (also called a non-monitored fall detection alert system) is a medical alert system that has fall detection built into the device. This means that when you fall, the fall detection will activate on the device, and help will be sent to your location, but it won’t be monitored by a call centre. There are no monthly fees for these kinds of systems. A non-monitored medical alert system with fall detection is designed to be used by an individual living on their own or by a person who lives with someone else who can help them in case of a fall.

How Do Non Monitored Medical Alert Systems with Fall Detection Work?

A non-monitored medical alert system with fall detection is a device or system that an individual uses to communicate with others when they need help. The device transmits a signal to a list of contacts programmed into it, be it an SMS, app notification or phone call. These devices can be worn around your neck as a pendant, around your wrist like a watch, on a belt clip or even on a keychain. When you’re in trouble, you can push a button to alert your contacts. Your contacts will receive an alert & will be able to call into the device to make sure everything is OK. Non-monitored medical alert systems with fall detection are very similar to monitored medical alert systems. The only difference is that when you have a fall or press the button to alert someone that you need help, the device will not connect you with a call centre, it will alert your programmed contacts. Once help arrives, your contacts may ask you to explain what happened to trigger the fall detection so that they can help you prevent falls in the future.

More Reasons to Get a Non Monitored Medical Alert System With Fall Detection

– You want to feel safe in your own home and outside

– When you get a non-monitored medical alert system with fall detection, you’ll feel safer in your own home and outside your home. This device will let you know verbally that you have activated an SOS or fall alert as soon as you push the button or trigger the fall detection. You may also enjoy the freedom of knowing that you don’t need anyone to be around to call for help when you need it desperately.

– You don’t want to pay a monthly fee

Medical alert systems that are monitored have monthly fees can require a long-term contract. If you don’t want to sign a long-term contract or you don’t want to pay a monthly fee, then a non-monitored medical alert system with fall detection is a great option.

– You want a simple device – If you don’t want to fuss with pushing buttons, then a non-monitored medical alert system with fall detection may be a good option for you. Although some devices have buttons that are easy to push, others may have harder-to-push buttons. If you have arthritis, or another condition that makes it difficult to press a button, then you should consider a non-monitored medical alert system with fall detection.


Read about Duress Alarms here


Advantages versus monitored medical alert systems

– You don’t have to sign a long-term contract

– If you’re trying to decide between a non-monitored medical alert system with fall detection and a monitored medical alert system, you may be tempted to sign a long-term contract for the monitored system because it sounds like a better deal. However, you should know that you don’t have to sign a long-term contract for the non-monitored system.

– You don’t have to pay a monthly fee

– You only have to pay for the equipment.

– You don’t have to be at home to use the system. With the non-monitored system, you don’t have to be home. You can use the system when you’re at a doctor’s office, at the grocery store, or anywhere else.


If you’re worried about falling and want help getting to a safe place as soon as you press the button or when the falls detection feature goes off, then a non monitored medical alert system with fall detection may be the best option for you. These systems are great for people who don’t want to sign a long-term contract or pay a monthly fee.

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Alerting Devices Australia P/L T/A Safe-Life
5/270 Lower Dandenong Rd,
Mordialloc, VIC 3195

Ph + 61 3 9588 0392

NDIS Registered Provider

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