About Us

Safe-Life supplies falls prevention and assistive care devices which are vital for providing modern caring techniques in today’s aged care facilities and care in the home. We offer products from the best manufacturers along side products from our own “Safe Life” brand. Many of the products we offer are designed and manufactured here in Australia and will interface with all brands of nurse call systems.

We strive to have a monitoring or help product to assist with all circumstances. We encourage anyone to contact us if they have a unique situation that they cannot find a solution for. If we can’t modify a product we already have available we’ll try to find a solution for you.

Safe-Life is an innovative, Australian business that supplies falls prevention and assistive care devices which are vital for providing modern caring techniques in today’s aged care facilities and care in the home. Our equipment in aged care products include personal alarms, bed alarms, chair alarms, shower stools & chairs and more. With over 30 years experience in the industry, we know what it takes to keep people safe and independent at home or in aged care.