Alarm Sensor Mats and Bed Sensor Pads: What you need to know about them


 Alarm sensor mats are one of the most effective ways to prevent falls. It works by detecting when someone steps on it and then alerting caregivers or family members. It’s ideal for use on beds, chairs and other areas where seniors may be more likely to fall.

They are one of the most effective ways to prevent falls

They are one of the most effective ways to prevent falls. The benefits of using bed and alarm mats are many: They’re low-cost, easy-to-use, and can be used in many different places in your home. Most importantly, though, they’re an effective way to help prevent falls—which is why we recommend them as one of our favourite solutions for seniors who may be at risk for falling out of bed or getting up during night-time hours.

They have lots of different applications

You can use them for a range of things, including:

  • Preventing falls in the home. They are useful for this because they detect when someone steps onto or off of them, and can alert you if someone falls or is trying to get out of bed.
  • Monitoring the elderly at home or in nursing homes. If an elderly person has Alzheimer’s disease, they might not be able to tell you when they’ve fallen and gotten injured—but an alarm sensor mat could detect that kind of thing automatically, so that family members know right away what happened and whether their loved one needs medical attention.

They work by detecting when someone steps on them

Alarm sensor mats and bed sensor pads have a sensor that is activated when someone steps on them, sending a signal to the nurse call system or monitor/pager. The nurse call system or monitor/pager then alerts the caregiver.

Many of them will work with your existing nurse call system

Nurse call systems are a good way to get help when you need it. They can be used to summon help for any situation, whether that’s being able to press a button and have someone come over and keep an eye on you if you’re feeling drowsy, or for summoning assistance if there’s an emergency. Most of these systems will work with sensor pads, which means that those who have fallen or otherwise injured themselves will still be able to get help from their beds using these devices.

They can be installed in many different places besides beds and chairs

They can be installed in many different places besides beds and chairs.

The living room is a great place to put an alarm sensor mat, because it’s a common area where your loved one might fall asleep during a movie or TV show. It’s also the perfect spot for an emergency call button, which can be placed in easy reach from any seat on the sofa.

If you’re looking for a safe place to put an emergency button, the bathroom is probably your best bet. Bathrooms are commonly used rooms in homes, and there are many opportunities for accidents that could lead to falls or injuries. Being able to call for help when you need it most can mean the difference between life and death—and that’s why it’s so important to have an emergency call button installed in your bathroom.

They come in different sizes and some are foldable

Alarm sensor mats and bed sensor pads are devices that can be used to detect a patient’s movements. They can be placed on the ground or under the mattress to assess whether a patient is moving around, or not. Alarm sensor mats and bed sensor pads come in different sizes, some of which are foldable for easy storage. Most of them will work with your existing nurse call system and have an alarm that will sound if a person has fallen off their bed.

If you’re looking for an alternative method to determine whether your loved one has fallen off their bed, alarm sensor mats and bed sensor pads may be right for you!

The best alarm sensors require no assembly

The best alarm sensors require no assembly. They’re easy to install, and you can even do it yourself. Plus, there’s no need to hire a professional or buy tools—the sensor pad just works right out of the box!

A high quality alarm sensor mat can be a valuable tool for caregivers.

Alarm sensor mats and bed sensor pads are a great tool for caregivers to use. They can help caregivers monitor the health of their loved ones, know when someone needs help, know when someone is in danger and know when someone is getting up and moving around.

For example: If a senior has fallen while they were trying to get out of bed, the nurse would have been alerted by an alarm sensor mat or bed sensor pad so they could come check on them right away.

A high quality alarm sensor mat can be a valuable tool for caregivers.

Monitor Fall Risk With A sensor mat

Fall risk is a serious problem for seniors. In fact, falls are the leading cause of injury for people over 65 years old, resulting in roughly 200,000 hospitalisations a year . But there’s hope: sensor mats can monitor fall risk and help prevent these injuries from occurring in the first place.

Sensor mats work by detecting when a person gets up from bed and steps onto the mat. An alert will be sent to caregivers or family members so that they can check on them immediately if necessary. This helps ensure that everyone stays safe and healthy at all times!

Sensor mats are also beneficial for seniors with other conditions like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease who may not recognize when it’s time to go back to sleep after getting up during the night. By having an alarm sound off every time they leave their designated area, it allows them to reconnect with themselves while giving you peace of mind knowing they’re safe at all times throughout those long hours while you’re sleeping soundly yourself nearby!

Who Can Benefit From Using An Alarm Mat For Beds?

If you are a senior, have difficulty getting out of bed or need help with mobility, have limited mobility, are recovering from surgery and/or have any other condition which restricts your movement you may benefit from using a Bed Alarm. Many people who suffer from arthritis or other diseases find that using a bed alarm mat can make them feel more secure while they sleep and also give their caregiver peace of mind.

These products are an underused resource for seniors at risk of falls.

These products are an underused resource for seniors at risk of falls. Although these products are easy to use and affordable, they remain an underused resource for those who could benefit from them the most.

These bed sensor pads can be used in many different places. They can be used at home or in assisted living facilities, but they’re especially useful when it comes to preventing falls and monitoring fall risk.


In conclusion, alarm sensor mats are an underused resource for seniors at risk of falls. If you or someone you care about is at risk of falling, we highly recommend getting one or more of these mats. They’re easy to install and use, they provide peace of mind for both caregivers and patients alike, and they can make a huge difference in the quality of life for anyone who uses them regularly.

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Alerting Devices Australia P/L T/A Safe-Life
5/270 Lower Dandenong Rd,
Mordialloc, VIC 3195

Ph + 61 3 9588 0392

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