
This Product Disclaimer Statement aims to inform customers about the inherent limitations and responsibilities associated with the purchase, installation, and maintenance of Safe Life products. By purchasing a Safe Life product, the customer acknowledges and agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in this statement.

Self-Installation and Maintenance

All Safe Life products are designed to be self-installed and maintained by the purchaser (owner). It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure proper installation, programming, and ongoing reliable operation of the product. The owner is also responsible for carrying out regular maintenance and testing to ensure the product’s continuous functionality.

Required Services and Components

Certain Safe Life products may require active phone lines, active SIM accounts, or charged batteries to operate effectively. The owner is responsible for maintaining and replacing these components as needed, and for ensuring that any required services are available and functional.

Limitations of Supplier Control

Safe Life has no control over or means of surveillance in relation to the installation, programming, and continuous ongoing reliable operation of its products or the services they may require (e.g., active SIM or phone line). For products that use M2M managed SIMs, Safe Life has no control over the coverage and reliability of the network.

Products Not Considered Life-Saving Devices

While Safe Life products are designed to provide independence and assist in the supervised care of individuals, they should not be considered as life-saving devices. Customers are advised to use Safe Life products as supplementary tools to enhance safety and well-being, rather than as sole or primary means of protection.

Limitation of Liability

Safe Life accepts no liability for any loss of property, personal injury, loss of income, or any other liability that may result from a device’s failure to operate. The customer assumes full responsibility for the proper installation, maintenance, and operation of the product, and for ensuring that any required services and components are available and functional.

Governing Law

This Product Disclaimer Statement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the product was purchased. Any disputes arising from or related to this statement shall be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, as deemed appropriate by the parties involved.

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