Part code A-CL-433-TX-5 (Cura1 SKU 2719) is on backorder until January. Any Cura1 kits containing this transmitter will not be dispatched until then. Cura1 kits containing part code A-UNI-TX (Cura1 SKU 2720) are a suitable alternative and stock is readily available. If you are unsure if the kit you want to purchase contains this part, please contact us.

NDIS service agreement

NDIS Service agreement

Once this NDIS Service Agreement is filled out, we’ll process your order and reach out to you within three business days. For further inquiries, email us at
Please enter email again below for validation
Agreement is for: (Insert participant’s full name)
Agreement is for: (Insert participant's full name)

Terms of Agreement

This agreement starts on today’s date and lasts for 12 months.


Confirm that your chosen resources are necessary, related to the participant’s disability, and beneficial.
Optionally, you can give consent for a Safe-Life representative to view your plan online to help process this application/service agreement.

Contact Details

Participant or Participant’s representative contact information:
Contact Person
Contact Person

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Most NDIS services exclude GST, but some services, like shipping, will include GST. The service provider is responsible for checking whether GST applies and will confirm this upon signing the agreement.

Feedback and Complaints

We aim to provide top-notch service. However, if you encounter any issues, you can email us, or call (03) 9588 0392. If the issue remains unresolved, you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission at 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters and National Relay Service can Contact Phone Number be arranged.
